Street Arts
Me and Matty saw this hilarious turkey through the window of a supermarket.

We walk in and jokingly ask the manager where we can get a giant turkey like the one hanging from the ceiling. He looks at us and says, " You want this turkey? "

Next thing you know, the guy is grabbing a ladder and taking it off the ceiling for us! He said it was a display item for Thanksgiving and they didn't need it anymore so he just let us take it.

I was laughing so hard holding the turkey that I could barely breathe,

so Matty carried home the prize turkey.

It's so big that it doesn't even fit through our doorway.

I'm now convinced that the space above the refrigerator was made for giant turkeys like this.
Date Night
Matty and I had a date night this week and we just did the usual stuff. You know... such as painting each other,silly dancing in empty rooms, escalator modeling,making new friends, seeing the play Avenue Q, and hanging out with the awesome puppets afterwards!...
Christmas Cookie Tree
Matty and I decided not to get a real Christmas tree this year since we're not going to be around much.We were a little bit bummed so I decided to surprise Matty and make a different kind of tree!I cooked up some cookies and covered them in colorful...
15 Things That Make Me Smile
Pretty shadows, curly tails, cute bags, to fill with lots of candy! funny corduroy conventions, my neighbor's enthusiasm for Halloween, dresses made entirely of chocolate,little love birds, and little love dogs,hilarious " Please stop urinating on...
Bits And Pieces
of a lovely day. I'm on my way home for the holiday. Happy turkey/tofurkey day everyone!...
Tiny Help
While out for a walk, I noticed there were many little things on the street that needed some help. I realized that the only way to fix little problems is to get little people! Matty and I happen to be very handy, so I printed pictures of us onto sticker...
Street Arts