Street Arts
Date Night
Matty and I had a date night this week and we just did the usual stuff.
You know... such as painting each other,
silly dancing in empty rooms,
escalator modeling,
making new friends,
seeing the play Avenue Q,

and hanging out with the awesome puppets afterwards!
Have any of you guys ever seen it?
It's absolutely hilarious!
Watch out Matty, I may be having a date night with someone else next week!
10 Things That Make Me Happy
Personalizing my MetroCard,showing Matty this picture just before he ate out of that bowl,this band,chicken tape dispensers,doodling on empty boxes,attacking Matty with tea strainers, going to someone's house and hiding their stuffed animals in silly...
Matty bought a projector for our room!Not only can you watch movies with it,but you can make silly shadow puppets,battle with lightsabers, and smooch some celebrities!;)...
Back in the day when Matty worked in a bank he let me in on a little secret..Banks still carry twos! I totally thought they were extinct! With a wad of twos in my pocket, I am ready to take Matty out for a fancy night on the town ;)...
Futura & Jose Parla
If you haven't already checked the PIRATE UTOPIAS exhibition featuring new work by FUTURA and JOSE PARLA, then get yourselves down to Elms Lesters Painting Rooms before the exhibition closes this Saturday, 28th July. As well as showcasing the breadth...
David Bray @ Stolen Space
Opening next week, the StolenSpace Gallery presents the first UK solo exhibition by David Bray entitled "Catford Classics". The exhibition will open to the public on the 23rd February and the exhibition will run until the 12th March. StolenSpace Gallery...
Street Arts