Street Arts
Tiny Help
While out for a walk, I noticed there were many little things on the street that needed some help. I realized that the only way to fix little problems is to get little people!

Matty and I happen to be very handy, so I printed pictures of us onto sticker paper, cut us out, and stuck us around the neighborhood.

We fixed those little problems like loose nails,

broken electrical covers,
splitting walls,

and giant cracks in steps.
Thank goodness Matty is there to hold up that step. It would have surely collapsed by now!
Moo just watched us busy at work.
He would have helped, if only he had thumbs.
Silly Sunday
When I woke up this morning, I noticed that everyone around me was acting silly.Moo was wearing a giant girly bow, Boys were bravely sailing down the streets, Girls were wearing flower skirts, And Matty was driving a new fancy car! I wish I had a nice...
The Shadow Project
Do you ever wonder if your shadow is playing tricks on you behind your back? I mean, it could be, right? It's always walking behind you so you never know what's going on back there!The past couple of weeks I've been tracing Matty and I onto...
Sunday Night Camp Out
Me and Matty needed a day off from working so we decided to build a tent and camp out in the wild (a.k.a. our living room). We drank hot chocolate, hiked around the apartment, watched movies, put out our fire, and fell asleep in our tent.. I hope we...
Me and Matty saw this hilarious turkey through the window of a supermarket.We walk in and jokingly ask the manager where we can get a giant turkey like the one hanging from the ceiling. He looks at us and says, " You want this turkey? "Next thing you...
we found out today that grandma has pancreatic cancer. Although my pop is very upset, he was there making everyone laugh me and matty surprised david at school...and asked for his help to find us a halloween costume. tons of my family came from the bronx...
Street Arts