Street Arts
Sunday Night Camp Out

Me and Matty needed a day off from working so we decided to build a tent and camp out in the wild (a.k.a. our living room).

We drank hot chocolate, hiked around the apartment, watched movies, put out our fire, and fell asleep in our tent..
I hope we make it back alive.
Breaking Routine
Do you ever get bored with your shower routine? I sure do.Shampoo, condition, soap, shave... it's the same exact thing every day!That's why I put a bubble machine in the shower to make my routine a bit more fun.Best decision I've ever...
Sunny Day
It's such a sunny day and although I want nothing more than to run around outside... I have to stay in and work. So I decided that instead of taking a lunch break I was going to take a doodle break! I used these fun window crayons to draw what I would...
Matty bought a projector for our room!Not only can you watch movies with it,but you can make silly shadow puppets,battle with lightsabers, and smooch some celebrities!;)...
I built a big tent in my apartment to escape the real world for a bit.But I love it so much I don't know if I'll ever come back!...
Last night all my dreams came true... I went to a chocolate carnival!I must admit, I'm a pretty serious chocoholic. I eat chocolate with every meal as if it's a side dish of vegetables. All the sculptures were made of chocolate. I had to refrain...
Street Arts