Street Arts
Last night all my dreams came true...

I went to a chocolate carnival!

I must admit, I'm a pretty serious chocoholic. I eat chocolate with every meal as if it's a side dish of vegetables.

All the sculptures were made of chocolate. I had to refrain myself from diving head first into the chocolate ferris wheel with my mouth open.

While picking up my coat to leave I heard the most terrible thing, the coat check people weren't allowed to enjoy any of the sweets! So I made it my mission to go back into the party and sneak them out the goods ;)
15 Things That Make Me Smile
Pretty shadows, curly tails, cute bags, to fill with lots of candy! funny corduroy conventions, my neighbor's enthusiasm for Halloween, dresses made entirely of chocolate,little love birds, and little love dogs,hilarious " Please stop urinating on...
Toilet Themed Restaurant
When I heard that Taipei had a toilet themed restaurant, it immediately became my mission to find this crazy place.Mission accomplished! The chairs are toilet seats, the tables are bath tubs, and there are silly murals on the walls.You drink out of urinals,and...
Winter Is Coming!
It may be freezing outside but there's a million reasons to love winter: hot chocolate, pretty christmas lights, excuses to get lots of warm hugs... My favorite thing is that I get to wear fun colorful tights! So let's play a game, what's...
Sunday Night Camp Out
Me and Matty needed a day off from working so we decided to build a tent and camp out in the wild (a.k.a. our living room). We drank hot chocolate, hiked around the apartment, watched movies, put out our fire, and fell asleep in our tent.. I hope we...
Matt's family is staying with us this weekend ( his 30th bday is on Monday!)They brought bags full of fun and cats!lots of blankets + hot chocolate + floor + sillyness + twin peaks = best movie night ever!...
Street Arts