Street Arts
15 things that make me smile
Pretty shadows,
curly tails,
cute bags,
to fill with lots of candy!
funny corduroy conventions,

my neighbor's enthusiasm for Halloween,

dresses made entirely of chocolate,
little love birds,
and little love dogs,
hilarious " Please stop urinating on our door" signs,
a whale to keep my giant turkey company,

ginormous bubbles,
conceited cats,
throwing children,
and footie pajamas for adults!
Adorable Text Messages
I have two little brothers. Mike is 22 and David is 8 years old. I'm pretty sure they're identical twins... except born 14 years apart. I've been getting text messages from Mike lately that are so cute I just wanted to share with you. "2 bros...
A Love Letter To My Dresses
Dear pretty dresses, I love you oh so much. Your bright colors make me smile, and wearing you makes me want to twirl. Without you my walls would feel lonely, my Moo cat would have no bed,and I would have nothing to wear!...
The Chalk Walk
This weekend I thought it would be fun to add some color to my block! So I went outside and traced my footsteps with chalk down the sidewalk.As I was doing this, a grumpy old man came up to me and yelled at me to stop. I actually thought about stopping...
Me and Matty saw this hilarious turkey through the window of a supermarket.We walk in and jokingly ask the manager where we can get a giant turkey like the one hanging from the ceiling. He looks at us and says, " You want this turkey? "Next thing you...
Matt's family is staying with us this weekend ( his 30th bday is on Monday!)They brought bags full of fun and cats!lots of blankets + hot chocolate + floor + sillyness + twin peaks = best movie night ever!...
Street Arts