Street Arts

we found out today that grandma has pancreatic cancer. Although my pop is very upset, he was there making everyone laugh

me and matty surprised david at school...

and asked for his help to find us a halloween costume.

tons of my family came from the bronx to trick or treat with us. Me and matty decided we were gonna try to get some candy even though we're a bit too old. Of course I had no problem because I look like I'm 14 but when Matty tried, the woman giving out candy looked him up and down and said "wait a minute.... you're getting an almond joy". Almond joys are for old people!! so matty quit after his first try ;)

My pops has been trying to stay upbeat for everyone but I know he's feeling terrible. He's such a good guy..
Christmas Cookie Tree
Matty and I decided not to get a real Christmas tree this year since we're not going to be around much.We were a little bit bummed so I decided to surprise Matty and make a different kind of tree!I cooked up some cookies and covered them in colorful...
17 Things That Make Me Smile
Finding a surprise under your table,running around sunflower fields with Matty, going food shopping for mozzarella sticks, snacks, and little brothers,Matty's fun signs,people that laugh so hard they need to hold onto their stomachs for dear life,...
This weekend I...surprised Matty with a cute ice cream cake even though he's on a diet,Met a lawyer by day and a potter by night,Photographed a fun craft workshop,Saw this pretty view of columbus circle,Met this lovely lady,Interviewed people for...
Back in the day when Matty worked in a bank he let me in on a little secret..Banks still carry twos! I totally thought they were extinct! With a wad of twos in my pocket, I am ready to take Matty out for a fancy night on the town ;)...
Tulip Juice
I haven't been feeling well so Matty brought me home these wonderful tulips!They make lovely hats.Matty couldn't find a vase so he put them in our juicer. Now, whenever I get thirsty I can just reach over for a fresh cup of tulip juice!;)...
Street Arts