Street Arts
This weekend I...

surprised Matty with a cute ice cream cake even though he's on a diet,

Met a lawyer by day and a potter by night,

Photographed a fun craft workshop,

Saw this pretty view of columbus circle,

Met this lovely lady,

Interviewed people for our Improv Everywhere documentary,

Went to a restaurant where you eat in tents!

and put on a spontaneous puppet show in a toy store with Matty!
What fun things did you do this weekend?
Four Years
It's been four years since Matty and I first met as extras that were "dating" on The Sopranos! The last four years have been full of random adventures,indoor tents, road trips with Moo,trying to get kisses from strangers, closet surprises,randomly...
John Ward
John Ward, one of Improv Everywhere's most senior agents passed away this weekend. He was incredibly friendly, warm and funny.(I secretly believed he was Santa Claus)He started taking improv classes in his 50's and participated in almost all of...
We're Home!
From our fun week of exploring through Spain! Matty and I went with our two friends Charlie ( who is the founder of Improv Everywhere ) and Cody. We played in the ocean, Had a big surprise waiting for us at the train station,Saw tons of colorful birds...
Tulip Juice
I haven't been feeling well so Matty brought me home these wonderful tulips!They make lovely hats.Matty couldn't find a vase so he put them in our juicer. Now, whenever I get thirsty I can just reach over for a fresh cup of tulip juice!;)...
Matty is 30 years old!When I was younger I nicknamed my brother doodie. One year I went to get a silly cake for his birthday but the guy who made the cakes barely spoke any english. It was such a challenge trying to explain that I wanted a big poop on...
Street Arts