Street Arts
I decided to cut up a bunch of family photos and stick them in fun places all over the apartment.

My little brothers look cute swinging from a plant!

My new webcam.

Matty braves the cold to show his strength to the condiments.

Miniature me and the real me always end up in the same place =)
Adorable Text Messages
I have two little brothers. Mike is 22 and David is 8 years old. I'm pretty sure they're identical twins... except born 14 years apart. I've been getting text messages from Mike lately that are so cute I just wanted to share with you. "2 bros...
Things That Make Me Happy
Moo helping me decorate,hopping on a stranger's bike and going for a ride,rainbows in my backyard,cute houses on cute little islands,trying to pet a rooster and failing miserably, extreme upper body strength, happy little organ stickers, realizing...
Photo Fun
This Sunday I shot some photos of Caitlin and her fun family! Caitlin is a wonderful actress that Matty and I met while making our Klondike commercial. How cute are they?...
we found out today that grandma has pancreatic cancer. Although my pop is very upset, he was there making everyone laugh me and matty surprised david at school...and asked for his help to find us a halloween costume. tons of my family came from the bronx...
It's A Stick-up Book Review
It's a Stick-Upbook is the latest book release from Ollystudios and publishers Laurence King. Ollystudios are a London based creative studio who have previously designed artists monographs for a number of Lazarides Gallery artists such as Paul Insect,...
Street Arts