Street Arts
I put up a bunch of thought bubbles at a party the other night!

Don't they all seem so fitting for the people standing/sitting under them?

Poor girl has no idea what her man is thinking about!
Gawker Show
Last week I was part of a group art show called "...In with the New" at Gawker.I filled their space with tons of silly thought bubbles so that when someone stands under them you can read their thoughts!There were thoughts about bootys,food being stuck...
Lmf04 At Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes
I've said it before but this night just keeps getting better. Street Artist/Illustrator/DJ PMH once again invites a new group of his freinds to join him this Friday 23rd at the Fourth LMF party and play some of their favourite tunes. Previous LMF...
Lmf Three @ Jagbags
If you missed the first two parties, shame on you. This night just keeps getting better. Street Artist/Illustrator/DJ PMH has invited a selection of his freinds to join him at this the third LMF party and play some of their favourite tunes for this new...
Lmf01 At Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes
For those of you out East London way this evening (29th SEPT), make sure you get yourself over to the fine drinking establishment dreambagsjaguarshoes for the launch party for LMF01. Street Artist/Illustrator PMH has invited a selection of his freinds...
Closing Parties
It would appear the Outside insitute haave started a new trend with their Visual Rockstars show last month. Not content with just an opening party they pulled out all the stops and went on to throw the best closing show party I've ever been to. Hot...
Street Arts