Street Arts

If you missed the first two parties, shame on you. This night just keeps getting better. Street Artist/Illustrator/DJ PMH has invited a selection of his freinds to join him at this the third LMF party and play some of their favourite tunes for this new monthly night at Jaguar Shoes on Kingsland Road. The party kicks off at 9pm and runs until about 1am and there is no admission charge. Music on the night from Falaraki Gangbang, Grant and Tom, Jeff Metal, Hayward, Goldtooth and Cloudsdale. Expect a rawsome night!
dreambagsjaguarshoes, 34 - 36 Kingsland Road, Shoreditch, London
Destined To Fester
DESTINED TO FESTER LAUNCH & HALLOWEEN PARTY South London based death metal artist French will be having an exhibition of "Gore" Prints at the Old Shoreditch Station. To tie in with the show Jaguar Shoes will also be releasing a limited edition Zine...
Lmf 07 @ Jagbags
PMH's monthly clubnite LMF returns to Jagbags this Friday 25th. The party kicks off at 9pm and runs until about 1am and there is no admission charge. No excuse for missing this one, what with the may bank holiday. dreambagsjaguarshoes, 34 - 36 Kingsland...
Lmf 06
Back on the the London tip and first up is LMF06, PMH's monthly clubnite at Jagbags. Back again this Friday 27th the night is also doubling up as PMH's birthday drinkdown and everyones invited! If PMH's previous birthdays are anything to...
Lmf05 At Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes
PMH's LMF05 at Jagbags tomorrow night from 9pm. FEAT DJS CLOUDY,SKULLY,PENNYDROPS,PMH,POWERBASTARD & FALARAKI GANGBANG playing pysch, garage,rock, bmore, electro etc. Dream Bags and Jaguar Shoes | Kingsland Road | London...
Lmf04 At Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes
I've said it before but this night just keeps getting better. Street Artist/Illustrator/DJ PMH once again invites a new group of his freinds to join him this Friday 23rd at the Fourth LMF party and play some of their favourite tunes. Previous LMF...
Street Arts