Street Arts
Gawker Show
Last week I was part of a group art show called "...In with the New" at Gawker.
I filled their space with tons of silly thought bubbles so that when someone stands under them you can read their thoughts!
There were thoughts about bootys,
food being stuck in your teeth,
starting a fight,
and of course, one hundred shirtless men!
I secretly made a thought bubble of a guy who works at Gawker and hung it up in the bathroom. He had no idea until he went to the bathroom the next day and saw himself thinking about himself in the mirror!

He must have been very confused ;)
Starry Night
So I have this dilemma, I always want to keep my bathroom window shade up because I love the natural light while I'm taking a shower...but I don't want to give my neighbors behind my building a free peep show... if you know what I mean.So I came...
My Week
My week consisted of...photographing wolves at Bryant Park, Making thought bubbles to hang up in Gawker's office, Shooting fancy restaurants, and colorful foods, changing my room from this,to this,shooting a wedding and capturing this sweet kiss,shooting...
Happy New Year!
I'm making a New Year's resolution to become more organized. My head is always full of fun ideas, silly thoughts and about a billion things I need to do. Sometimes it gets so cluttered that I can't focus on anything.That's why I bought...
My friends and I put together two gallery shows this week.Although it's been very stressful, we still found time to be silly and have fun!We practiced our Dirty Dancing moves,did some bathroom gymnastics,found an incredibly fitting T-shirt,squeezed...
First Memory
I've always been fascinated by early memories. My first ever memory was when I was 2 years old. My pops and I were on a plane to Florida. Before the plane took off, he got up to use the bathroom. I had no idea that planes had bathrooms! All of a sudden,...
Street Arts