Street Arts
My Week
My week consisted of...
photographing wolves at Bryant Park,
Making thought bubbles to hang up in Gawker's office,
Shooting fancy restaurants,
and colorful foods,
changing my room from this,
to this,
shooting a wedding and capturing this sweet kiss,
shooting a new Improv Everywhere event,
(I can't show pics yet but this kid sat outside on that lion for about 3 hours! Must have been a comfy lion...)

and lots and lots of editing.
Whew! Now it's time to rest.
New Photo Project
While I was shooting in the subway the other day, I met a super sweet guy who told me he was a puppeteer. A puppeteer? How fun is that! I've never met a puppeteer before so it inspired me to start a new photo project where I visit people at their...
Gawker Show
Last week I was part of a group art show called "...In with the New" at Gawker.I filled their space with tons of silly thought bubbles so that when someone stands under them you can read their thoughts!There were thoughts about bootys,food being stuck...
For Christmas, my friends and family gave me.. Super comfy pajamas, Silly puppets, A hand stitched tablecloth a friend brought back from Hungary, A personalized family calender, sexy panties from my bf's mother! Lots and lots of chocolates, and...
club citrineI intern for now! I'll be out shooting lots of fun events ...
Back In London
Right we have returned to London. Just back from a family wedding in Ireland, with over 250 people in attendance it was certainly one to remember. Lots on this week here in London. Check back later....
Street Arts