Street Arts
For Christmas, my friends and family gave me..

Super comfy pajamas,

Silly puppets,

A hand stitched tablecloth a friend brought back from Hungary,

A personalized family calender,

sexy panties from my bf's mother!

Lots and lots of chocolates,

and my most favorite is this colorful camera strap from my friend Dante. I love it so much!
What did you get for the holidays?
10 Things I Love In My Apartment
Bird scissors, silly plates,fun knick knacks, monkeys, lots and lots of fabric, toothbrush monsters, Moo's table setting,silly coffee spoon holders, colorful shelves,and this adorable photo booth picture of my mom and dad when they were my age!...
Winter Is Coming!
It may be freezing outside but there's a million reasons to love winter: hot chocolate, pretty christmas lights, excuses to get lots of warm hugs... My favorite thing is that I get to wear fun colorful tights! So let's play a game, what's...
Even though I make lots of comfy beds for Moo, for some reason his favorite place to sit is on the shower knobs. He's like a little acrobat!It's funny trying to take a shower when your cat is busy practicing his gymnastics routine. ( click the...
Happy Holidays
Right, we are back in London after a quick trip to Ireland for the holidays where we drank and ate lots and lots. We hope all our readers had an enjoyable holiday. Normal service will now resume....
Back In London
Right we have returned to London. Just back from a family wedding in Ireland, with over 250 people in attendance it was certainly one to remember. Lots on this week here in London. Check back later....
Street Arts