Street Arts
Headed down yesterday to Soho square on my lunch break to watch all the people scrambling around soho square looking in the trees and bins for the Gnomes!! Was well funny. Bumped into my mate

As the Firetrap people were running late with the gnome hunt and crowds of people had gathered in soho square there was no way they were gonna be able to drop them in the square with out being seen. It was decided they would make a dash with the gnomes - I along with the others in the club were given 2 each and we all legged it to soho square with cameras following. I was almost floored by three ladies attempting to grab the gnomes from my arms!! All good fun and made for an interesting lunch. Here are a few photos of the Gnones before the madness.

Oubliette Arthouse £20 Million Squat - London
The Oubliette Art Collective An art collective known for squatting in mansions and embassies has taken over a £20million building in Leicester Square. The 50-room property - next door to the Odeon cinema - has been taken over by the group known as The...
Dran — Public Execution Exhibition In Soho, London
Hookedblog stopped into central London late last week to visit the Public Execution exhibition at the Lights of Soho gallery in Brewer Street, Soho. Hosted by Pictures On Walls and featuring the work of Toulouse's master draftsman Dran, Public Execution...
Faile - From Brooklyn With Love
We love the work New York based artisits Faile are creating at the moment. The work they installed at the Woostercollective Spring Street project in New York last year was fantastic. We are delighted to see that Lazarides Gallery in Soho's next exhibition...
Banksy Releases A New Print
Workshop in Bristol have a new Banksy print going on sale today at 12pm. Strictly Limited To One Per Person!! Call Workshop For Info 0117 922 1566… The print will also be on sale at Santa's Ghetto in London this morning, but judging from the que...
Banksy Website Update
In case you missed it, Banksy's website got updated yesterday. A number of quicktime movies have been added to the site showing the man himself in action. A new sketchbook section which includes some interesting rough sketches, giving us a behind...
Street Arts