Street Arts
Banksy Website Update

In case you missed it, Banksy's website got updated yesterday.
A number of quicktime movies have been added to the site showing the man himself in action. A new sketchbook section which includes some interesting rough sketches, giving us a behind the scenes glimpse into some of the initial ideas that later become sculptures or stencils. The outdoors section has also had some new images added including Bankys's newest installation the Red Phone Box pictured above. The sculpture which appeared in central London close to Soho Square on Wednesday this week only lasted a few hours before it was removed by Westminster Council.
Banksy Found In The Old Country July 2009
Banksy in Africa (Mali?) Photographs recently appeared on the Banksy website showing scenes of an African nature in Africa. Some are saying its Mali but official sources have not yet confirmed. Whispers have been circulating on the art-vine that Banksy...
Dalston Banksy Trashed
Banksy, by invisiblemadevisible We headed up to Dalston's Gillett Square today, to snap one of the newest Banksy stencils. Having being up on the streets of East London for less than a week this is what we found this afternoon. The piece had been...
Banksy Website Update
In case you missed it Banksy has updated his website with his most recent work from his trip to New Orleans. Check the images on Banksy's website here. Also worth checking is a Flickr set from Michael Dingler who took the above picture. Take some...
Banksy Website Update
Banksy's website gets an update and now features a shop section where everything is FREE. With Ebay awash with people flogging their hand printed! Banksy prints and shops like the one in Spitafields Market in East London selling digitally printed...
Sticker Website Update
Street Arts