Banksy found in the Old Country July 2009
Street Arts

Banksy found in the Old Country July 2009

Banksy in Africa (Mali?)

Photographs recently appeared on the Banksy website showing scenes of an African nature in Africa. Some are saying its Mali but official sources have not yet confirmed. Whispers have been circulating on the art-vine that Banksy actually uses a team of people who put stencils up for him. Personally speaking we don't care if Banksy puts them up or a street team we're happy to see street art touching those far away places in the way this work has touched us. Its only when the worlds press speak of Banksy as if he were the only artist alive that artists get their back up. However, this cant be blamed on the man himself, neither can the monetary value of his work. In the next issue we'll be speaking with various bodies that seem to represent the artist and find out the process for authenticating Banksy art.

- New Banksy Street Art - 'tox' In Camden
A new piece of Banksy street art appeared on the artists website early this morning and within hours the location of the new stencil street art work had been leaked online. Located in Camden Town, London which is also home to 26-year-old graffiti artist/tagger...

- Banksy Vs Robbo — The Re-touch!
The guys over at Graffoto tipped us off on this one. It would appear that all four Banksy piece's along the canal in Camden have been re-touched / amended over the last few days with much of the previous damage caused by Team Robbo having been removed....

- Banksy Vs Robbo Round 3 & 4
dont believe in war, by nolionsinenglandWell it looks like game set and match for Robbo and team Robbo. While Banksy was off in Utah hitting up the streets with “Exit Through the Gift Shop” movie, Team Robbo strike again. Having previously taken...

- Dalston Banksy Trashed
Banksy, by invisiblemadevisible We headed up to Dalston's Gillett Square today, to snap one of the newest Banksy stencils. Having being up on the streets of East London for less than a week this is what we found this afternoon. The piece had been...

- Banksy - Bristol Street Art Book
Home Sweet Home is a celebration of Banksy’s street art in his home city of Bristol. This book places him in the context of 3D, John Nation from the Barton Hill Settlement, Inkie, Nick Walker and the other street artists and musicians who were instrumental...

Street Arts
