Street Arts
Faile - From Brooklyn with Love

We love the work New York based artisits Faile are creating at the moment. The work they installed at the Woostercollective Spring Street project in New York last year was fantastic. We are delighted to see that Lazarides Gallery in Soho's next exhibition will be a solo show by Faile. The dates are as follows Fri 09th of March - Sat 07th of April. More info when we have it. Gonna be fresh.
LAZARIDES, No 8, Greek Street,Soho, London
Faile — Prints + Originals Uk Book Launch
We spoke about the forthcoming Faile book 'Faile — Prints + Originals 199-2009' last week and the special signed edition that Paper Monster had for sale.{Blogged here}. It looks like a UK launch for the book is now planned to take place on the...
Faile — Ecstasy Print
Paper Monster have just released this beautiful print from New York artists Faile. This new print is based on an original the Faile guys fell in love with and decided to make into a larger edition. The edition was printed at their studio in Brooklyn...
Torn: A Decade Of Faile - Retrospective
And the count down has begun. We are getting super excited here at Hookedblog about the Faile Bast exhibition which opens later this week. We mentioned the show back in January {blogged here} and since then the above preview image has...
Faile Bast Deluxx Fluxx Arcade
The guys over on the Artbleat blog got the scoop on the upcoming Faile and Bast show at Lazarides Gallery. The Faile Bast Deluxx Fluxx Arcade is set to open on the 12th February and will run until the 27th March 2010.To kick-start the 2010 programme,...
Bast Papermonster Print
New York based print house Papermonster are kicking off the New Year with a print from Brooklyn's own BAST. "The Wig" Print was released yesterday afternoon 19th January via the Papermonster website. Two varied editions of 9 are available, both hand...
Street Arts