Street Arts
13 things I love about Moo

1. When I open our camera bag, I can never find the camera.

2. He makes a fancy belt.

3. His funny sense of entitlement.

4. The way he would fall asleep on the TV as a kitten....and then fall off.

5. His love of toilets.

6. The way he turned my closet into a giant cat lounge.

7. How impossible he makes it to do any work around the house.

8. He must be the longest cat in the universe!

9. When I open the closet, he's there...

10. and when I open the fridge, he's there.

11. How cute it is that he has no idea how funny he looks.

12. The way he manages to sneak his cat butt into almost every picture I take.

13. He's the tastiest cat burrito I've ever had!
Moo is officially 2 years old, happy birthday you silly little cow!
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Street Arts