Street Arts


The lovely Jess at interviewed me about some of the most important rules that I live by. Here's a few that I came up with!

Be Creative
It's important for me to express myself creatively every day. I have all of these fun ideas in my head and if I don't get them out I'm pretty sure my mind would explode. Realistically, I'd probably just get frustrated and fall asleep. But explosion or no explosion, doing something creative acts as a form of therapy for me. I feel better after taking photographs, making street art, painting, or making wall sized collages. The messier and more sweatier I get, the better I feel.

Don't grow up
Well, not completely anyways. I think it's important to keep that little kid inside of you. I see a lot of people turn into grumpy old men that just complain about everything. I know that we're all adults and we have important adult-like things to do but that doesn't mean we have to let go of that playful side of ourselves. I'm still all about blowing bubbles, running around in the rain, and playing with my food and I always will be!

Break your routine
I hate the idea of getting up, eating breakfast, and going to work the same way every day. It eventually gets boring and I will not stand for boring! I want to wake up to a day that is always new, so I make sure I change it up a bit. First of all, who made this rule that for breakfast we should eat cereal? If I wake up and want spaghetti, I'll make spaghetti. Whenever I leave the house I go a different way each time. I walk down a new street, ride the bus, take a different train, or hop on a forklift if I can find one! Even if it'll take me longer to get there, I don't care. I just always want to see something new.

Be Optimistic
It's raining again? Wonderful! It'll make the flowers grow. I got paint on my favorite coat? Great! I can turn it inside out, sew on new buttons, and make it better than before. There's always a way to find something positive in a situation you would normally think was negative.

Give yourself a gift everyday
There are some days that can feel so long but it makes it a lot easier to get through if you give yourself a gift. I always like to give myself something little like a cupcake, a flower, balloons, or an iced coffee at my favorite cafe. It's not expensive and it's a lovely little pick me up during the day.

Be yourself
I'm not perfect, I know that. I have this thing where I trip at least once a day and somehow my dress will always find a way to fall down at the most inappropriate moments. I say the wrong things at wrong times and only get the giggles when I'm alone on the train, which makes me look like a crazy person. I used to be really embarrassed of myself when I was younger but now I find all these little things to be funny and they make me who I am. The next time my dress accidently falls down at a funeral, it'll fall with pride!

So now I'm curious, what are some of the ways you live your life? I'd love to know!

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Street Arts
