Street Arts
A few random things about me
1. When I was little I was terribly shy and never spoke. My worried parents brought me to the doctor and were told that I would grow up a loner and probably end up working in the back of a post office.
2. I do not work in the back of a post office ;)
3. I absolutely love riding the subway and watching people. I sometimes don't get off at my stop just so I can stay on a bit longer.
4. I almost got arrested for what looked like public urination but I was really just squatting in a short dress, in a dark corner, late at night, petting a stray cat, he!
5. I crave food based on it's texture, not taste.
6. A genuine smile from someone makes me feel all tingly inside.
7. Many people in my family suffer from depression. It's one of the main reasons I decided to become a photographer. I wanted to create colorful, positive, feel good images.

8. When we picked out Moo at the cat shelter, I was afraid that I may be allergic to cats. So I picked up Moo (who was then named Spanky!) and rubbed him all over my face like a towel to see if I would have an allergic reaction.
9. I honestly cannot hurt a fly. I've been a vegetarian for ten years and spent many late nights as a kid freeing mice from the mouse traps around my house. (Shhh, my dad still doesn't know that!)
10. I often break out in giggle attacks while I'm alone on the train, which of course, makes me look insane.
11. My Grandma's name was Baby Katz. Is there anything cuter than that?
Wall Of Achievements
This is my dad's office.Like many other offices, the walls are covered with his awards and achievements.I thought I'd do the same to my office since I've achieved and earned quite a lot of awards in my time.Such as this nursery school diploma,This...
My Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Yesterday I had one of those days where everything seemed to be going wrong. I was upset, angry, and all I wanted to do was scream!It felt like there was nothing I could do to feel better so I thought that if I can't feel good, then I'd like to...
A Few Things That Make Me Happy
flowers that seem to smile,decorating burritos like I would decorate a cake,shopping cart street art, my new intern, trees with a sense of fashion,forcing embarrassing butterfly tattoos onto my brother's arm,Moo's thinking face when he's...
Q And A
Why did you want to become a photographer?To create fun images to make people smile, of course! Did you go to photography school? I really want to become a professional photographer but I don't live near any photography/art schools. Do you have any...
Subway Yearbook
For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we set up a photo studio in a random subway car and announced that we were taking subway yearbook photos! The subway became pretty packed at one point, but it was all full of smiles! People on the train were...
Street Arts