" occhi di carta " Istanbul 2014
Street Arts

" occhi di carta " Istanbul 2014

series of nine digital photos
This work is an attempt at introspective analysis of the landscape, through artificial and static eyes
present in the city. The eyes belong to individuals and animals that are subject of posters, advertisements
and signboards, which become, from mediated elements, the primary actors. What reveals
this is a photograph taken using a camera positioned at eye level of the subject depicted on the
poster, which reflects the visual field of the same subject.

Un tentativo di analisi introspettiva del paesaggio, per mezzo di occhi artificiali e statici presenti nella
città. Gli occhi sono quelli degli individui e degli animali raffigurati su manifesti, pubblicità e insegne,
che da elementi mediati diventano attori primari dell’opera. Ciò che rileva è la fotografia scattata
utilizzando una fotocamera posizionata all’altezza degli occhi del soggetto raffigurato sul manifesto,
la quale rispecchia il campo visivo del soggetto stesso.

- Tuesday
All week I've been carrying around paper eyes with me. I put tape on the back of the eyes and stuck them onto random things I passed by. It immediately gives inanimate objects a personality! This handsome house has a mustache. It's cute to look...

- Crack For Your Eyes Magazine - Issue Two Out Now!
Crack for your Eyes Magazine 'Almost a year after the first test issue the second issue of Crack for Your Eyes Magazine is a fact. The CFYE brand and network has expanded during this year beyond our imagination, and we've only just begun....

- " Houdini "br1 Elfo Istanbul 2014
materials: chain, lock, two lock's keys BR1 ELFO HOUDINI intervention on ligt billboard materials: chain, lock, two lock’s keys Using abdusting techniques and strategies, artists have opened the advertising panel and removed the advertisement...

- Video Br1 Elfo -polis Parade 1-istanbul 2014
http://vimeo.com/117041688 BR1 ELFO POLIS PARADE series of actions playing with police car toys two channel HD videos 02:56 min; 01:27 min sound, color filmed and edited by the artists Affected by the people’s awe toward the police, surely influenced...

- Video Br1 Elfo-polis Parade 2-istanbul 2014
http://vimeo.com/117041689 BR1 ELFO POLIS PARADE series of actions playing with police car toys two channel HD videos 02:56 min; 01:27 min sound, color filmed and edited by the artists Affected by the people’s awe toward the police, surely influenced...

Street Arts
