WARSAW - Zdjecie z krzyza - Brzeska 25 Warszawa
Street Arts

WARSAW - Zdjecie z krzyza - Brzeska 25 Warszawa

- Rzeczpospolita
http://www.rp.pl/artykul/921198-Klasyka-na-obdrapanej-scianie.htmlKlasyka na obdrapanej ścianieeb 01-08-2012, ostatnia aktualizacja 01-08-2012 17:28 Komentuj 0Share on facebookShare on wykopShare on twitterShare on blipShare on naszaklasaShare...

- Rynek I Sztuka
http://rynekisztuka.pl/2012/08/09/jola-kudela-i-niewierny-tomasz/ Jola Kudela i „Niewierny Tomasz”Opublikowane w 9 sierpnia 2012Przez Olga PiskleiwczArtyści, Sztuka w Polsce, Wydarzenia Ostatnio głośno jest o sztuce Joli Kudeli....

- Interview For Kosova
1. When did you start doing grafics?2. Did you have exhibitions, when where?3. As I saw you usually do graffitis on wall's of old houses. Tell me more about theplaces you do your artworks?4. What about the themes of your graffitis? The messages?5....

- Pieta - Ul. Sprzeczna Warszawa
based on William-Adolphe Bouguereau in the image of Pieta I tried to speak about ageism in the idea of beauty – I replaced young beautiful angels with elderly ladies from a social centre in Warsaw / Praga – equally beautiful, but perceived differently...

- Sw. Sebastian - Zabkowska 1 Warszawa
a Roman soldier tortured to death because of his sexual orientation. It’s an image and a symbol that has been interpreted millions of times in paintings, photography and film.  My Saint Sebastian is a modern person in black underwear,  someone...

Street Arts
