Street Arts
Last night I went to an underwear race!

So many people participated,



and of course the naked cowboy.
I hope this boy knows that he has the coolest parents ever.
Things That Make Me Happy
Underwear parties, Charlie, the newest addition to my family,mailing kisses, really, really, tall people, looking at people, looking at art, the children's section of the book store, adorable couples, finding excuses to buy rainbow cookies......
Merry Christmas!
May your day be filled with lots of wrapping paper,crazy kids,and fun undies!...
John Ward
John Ward, one of Improv Everywhere's most senior agents passed away this weekend. He was incredibly friendly, warm and funny.(I secretly believed he was Santa Claus)He started taking improv classes in his 50's and participated in almost all of...
Paper Dolls
Saturday is the 8th annual no pants subway ride! The meeting place is at Foley square at 3pm. 900 hundred people came last year and it was a blast. If you're in NYC and comfortable with being in your undies then you should come! Me and Matty will...
Street Arts