Street Arts
Things that make me happy
Underwear parties,

Charlie, the newest addition to my family,
mailing kisses,

really, really, tall people,

looking at people, looking at art,

the children's section of the book store,

adorable couples,

finding excuses to buy rainbow cookies... everyday,

pinwheels for heads,
group hugs,
and me and Moo... in cartoon form!
Things That Make Me Smile...
Hanging out with my fellow monsters,Moo's new favorite bed,playing with my pancakes,hay rides,fun nails, adding something sweet to make my tea happy,friendly frogs,surprise kisses, secret identities, adorable wedding programs,and really, really bad...
Things That Make Me Smile
Making rainbow pancakes,lovely reminders in the subway,adorable umbrellas, Darth Maul keeping up with celebrity gossip,awkward finger puppets, cat vs. dog staring contests,people that blend in with their environment, funny signs on how to dress at the...
My friends Jake and Kristina got married last weekend and I was so excited to shoot their wedding!There's a billion things that made me happy that day but here are just a few... This amazing wall and these bright blue dresses, sweet mom moments,"...
Winter Is Coming!
It may be freezing outside but there's a million reasons to love winter: hot chocolate, pretty christmas lights, excuses to get lots of warm hugs... My favorite thing is that I get to wear fun colorful tights! So let's play a game, what's...
My lovely grandma has been really sick this week. One of the many things that I admire about her is that she loves to give people little presents for no reason. So in honor of grandma, I bought tons of pretty flowers and walked around my neighborhood...
Street Arts