Street Arts
My favorite place to go when I'm feeling down is the Bryant park ice rink

Nothing makes me smile more than to see other people smiling...

holding hands...

and falling ;)

If I ate meat this would be my favorite restaurant. Their walls have giant photographs, fantastic chandeliers that looks like bubbles,

walls with mirrors and ballerina bars

and the funnest chef ever!
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
I've had a very intense week and am feeling emotionally exhausted. When I start feeling afraid I remind myself of a quote from one of my favorite movies..."At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say there...
My Week
My week consisted of...photographing wolves at Bryant Park, Making thought bubbles to hang up in Gawker's office, Shooting fancy restaurants, and colorful foods, changing my room from this,to this,shooting a wedding and capturing this sweet kiss,shooting...
I've been asked a whole bunch about what kind of paper I use and how I put it up on my walls so I thought I'd let you all know! My favorite paper to play with is Canson Colorline poster board. They have bright colors and cute names like Canary,...
Doesn't this place seem like a fairy tale?The walls are covered with leaves and rain drops fall from the ceiling! I absolutely LOVE shooting weddings is there anything better than being around love, happiness, and laughter for a day? When someone...
This is Moo. He's a lil' adventurer so I built him a boat so he can sail the seas! Next week I plan to fly him to the moon ;)One of my favorite things in the world is paper The walls in my old apartment were covered in paper. My old place was...
Street Arts