Street Arts

TRIP brings together two of Scrawl Collective's newest artists, RYCA and Hutch with David Walker one of their finest artists and designers. For 10 days these 3 fine upstanding young men will have the run of Cosh in Soho, London... Paintings and Sculptural work will be available to buy along with prints created especially for this show...
Hutch has produced a new edition of 100 called "Hostess", which will be exclusive to the exhibition until it closes when any remaining unsold prints will be released online to the world at large. The only way of guaranteeing you get your mitts on one of these little gems is to get yourself down to the gallery on Berwick St, Soho.
COSH | 69 Berwick Street | Soho | London W1F 8SZ
TRIP An Art Show - 26/09/08 - 05/10/08
For opening / buyers night on the 25th September please rsvp (at)
Something For The Weekend
Right thought we would do a quick round up of some of the shows you might want to check out over the weekend if you havent already been. "Heap" opened last night Thru Cargo Garden, Arch 461, 83 Rivington St, London, EC2A 3AY. Featuring the work of Swoon,...
The Bunny Show
Soho based gallery Cosh open this week with a new show titled " Thats all Folks! - The Bunny Show" and will feature work from Artists Ben Frost, Hydro74, Bemodern, Mudwig, Si Scott, Airside, Pure Evil, Keith Watts, KozynDan, Mr Ian Wright, Pandayoghurt,...
Gis Exhibition at CoshUK 14th June 07, 6.00 - 9.00. The exhibition will include originals and prints from the following artists: Insect (Luke), Hydro74, Ray Smith, Slinkachu, Vault49, Wilfrid Woods, Joel Armstrong, Phlash. All prints very limited. COSHUK...
Two Faced Exhibition
This Thursday will see the the UK launch of Wearitwithpride's Two Faced project. The Two Faced exhibition will open with a private view at Cosh Gallery from 7.30 Thursday 15th march. The exhibition celebrates the changing face of modern portraiture;...
The Scrawl Collective Screenprints
The Scrawl Collective website has finally been updated and also gets a long overdue redesign. The new site along with the portfolio section for their artists now features a shop section offering 45 limited edition hand-made screen prints from 9 of the...
Street Arts