Street Arts


Soho based gallery Cosh open this week with a new show titled " Thats all Folks! - The Bunny Show" and will feature work from Artists Ben Frost, Hydro74, Bemodern, Mudwig, Si Scott, Airside, Pure Evil, Keith Watts, KozynDan, Mr Ian Wright, Pandayoghurt, Sean Alexander, Slinkachu and John Cossey

Originals and very limited editions prints will be available. - Also feature magic by Dynamo on the opening night!

Cosh Gallery 69 Berwick St, W1F 8SZ. (Just off Oxford Street).
Opening Night 9th October - Invite Only.

- Kozyndan At Nelly Duff — Diary Date
Upcoming on the 3 June 2010 the Nelly Duff Gallery is a new show from Kozyndan, titled " And then there were none". Kozyndan are Dan and Kozue Kitchens. The Los Angeles based 'Mad Scientists' of the art world who have made waves on the international...

- Trip Art Show
TRIP brings together two of Scrawl Collective's newest artists, RYCA and Hutch with David Walker one of their finest artists and designers. For 10 days these 3 fine upstanding young men will have the run of Cosh in Soho, London... Paintings and Sculptural...

- Slinkachu @ Cosh
GROUND ZERO: Little People in the City is the first solo show from Slinkachu featuring all new works at Cosh Gallery, Soho. Slinkachu has taken street art to a new scale, painstakingly hand-painting tiny characters that live in a world that’s too small...

- Gis
Gis Exhibition at CoshUK 14th June 07, 6.00 - 9.00. The exhibition will include originals and prints from the following artists: Insect (Luke), Hydro74, Ray Smith, Slinkachu, Vault49, Wilfrid Woods, Joel Armstrong, Phlash. All prints very limited. COSHUK...

- Two Faced Exhibition
This Thursday will see the the UK launch of Wearitwithpride's Two Faced project. The Two Faced exhibition will open with a private view at Cosh Gallery from 7.30 Thursday 15th march. The exhibition celebrates the changing face of modern portraiture;...

Street Arts
