Street Arts
One of my many random jobs is to photograph the Museum of Art and Design. Their current exhibit has installations that are made of everyday materials like..

old records,




and chairs!
Doesn't it make you wanna build something fun with the stuff you have just lying around?
Something Pretty
This morning I woke up with an urge to make something pretty... so I did! I made a mobile full of butterflies, ladybugs, and birds and put it together with things I found around the house like fishing wire, a CD, ribbon, and a pretty pink button. Isn't...
Do You Use The Glass In Your Hotel Room?
Yes this is a dedicated Street Art / Graf Page...and No this isnt related but hang on...We all gotta spend time in a hotel at some point and when we do we totally trust the hotels health and safety practices. We know there are far more worrying things...
Less And More The Design Ethos Of Dieter Rams
Photograph by Luke Hayes. Not really a street art related post but a good show none the less. The exhibition entitled "Less Is More - The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams" opened on the 18th of November at The Design Museum here...
We Are Build
We are big fans of the design work of Michael C Place aka BUILD and we see they have a shiny new website featuring some of their recent work. Build also have a show opening here in London this week which will run as part of the Brompton Design District...
50 Years Of Helvetica
Blanka and Candy in association with Veer present '50' celebrating 50 years of Helvetica. 2007 sees the fiftieth anniversary of Helvetica. Created in 1957 by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann at the Haas type foundry in Switzerland, the typeface...
Street Arts