Street Arts

We are big fans of the design work of Michael C Place aka BUILD and we see they have a shiny new website featuring some of their recent work. Build also have a show opening here in London this week which will run as part of the Brompton Design District hub at London Design Festival 2007.
The On/Off (and everything in-between) exhibition was curatored by Maxalot (Barcelona/Amsterdam) who invited Build, to collaborate with industrial architects Commonwealth (New York), for a 2D-3D face-off using cutting edge graphic software versus computer-numerically-controlled industrial design technology. The exhibition combines printed graphics by Build, with industrial 3D deconstructions by Commonwealth in a series of unique objets d’art. Printed vectors bleed into 3-dimensional surfaces as projected lines etched into the Corian® frames which house them.
On/Off (and everything in-between) at:
5 Cromwell Place | South Kensington | London SW7 2JB
The show runs from 19th -25 September
Less And More The Design Ethos Of Dieter Rams
Photograph by Luke Hayes. Not really a street art related post but a good show none the less. The exhibition entitled "Less Is More - The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams" opened on the 18th of November at The Design Museum here...
Helvetica @ Ica
An eye-opening documentary about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. Focusing on the omnipresent Helvetica typeface (which celebrates its 50th birthday this year), the film includes interviews with some of the most illustrious and innovative...
Art Vinyl Mix Art & Music
As mentioned last week the London Design Festival kicks off today with lots of events taking place around the city. We have already blogged the "1" exhibition taking place in the Sea gallery which we will definately checking out. Another show that caught...
An Exhibition In Mono
"1 - Mono Exhibition" is another show that is opening next week and is also part of the 2 week long London Design Festival. The show has been curated by Blanka who have invited 28 leading designers to produce 28 Black and white A1 posters representing...
Build Designs For Blanka
Design group Blanka website. Each of the five designs are strictly limited to 250. Each t-shirt features the time codes for well know tracks from the following artists, ACDC, NEW ORDER, KRAFTWERK PUBLIC ENEMY AND PINK FLOYD. Check some of Builds other...
Street Arts