Street Arts
Street Art New York Benefit Auction
Keeping it on a New York tip, and again at the Factory Fresh Gallery (see previous post) a celebration to mark the release of the new book "Street Art New York" and to benefit the programs of Free Arts NYC, original artworks by a stellar array of today's Street Artists from New York and beyond will be featured in a silent auction to take place on 24 April 2010, from 7 pm to 9:30 pm.
The list of participating artists thus far is like a who's who of NY Street Art right now and includes:
Abe Lincoln Jr. , Alex Diamond, Anera, Avoid Pi, Billi Kid, Bishop 203, Blanco, BortusK Leer, Broken Crow, C Damage, C215, Cake, Celso, Chris RWK,Chris Stain, Creepy, Dain, Damon Ginandes, Dan Witz, Dark Clouds, Dennis McNett, Elbow Toe, Ellis G, FKDL, Gaia, General Howe, GoreB, Hargo, Hellbent, Imminent Disaster, Infinity, Jef Aerosol, Jim Avignon, JMR, Joe Iurato, Jon Burgerman, Keely, Know Hope, Logan Hicks, Mark Carvalho, Matt Siren, Mint and Serf, Miss Bugs, NohJColey, Nomadé, Peru Ana Ana Peru, PMP/Peripheral Media Projects, Poster Boy, Pufferella, Rene Gagnon, Roa, Royce Bannon, Skewville, Specter, Stikman, Swoon, The Dude Company,Tristan Eaton, UR New York (2esae & Ski), Veng RWK
©Jaime RojoA number of the pieces up for auction have been uploaded to the Street Art New York flickr website. Also check here for more upto date info on the auction, as they add more artists to the line-up.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Event Time: 7-11 pm
Auction Time: Promptly 7 pm to 9:30 pm EST
Absentee bidders please register with Bernadette DeAngelis at
[email protected] or call 212.974.9092.
Factory Fresh Gallery | 1053 Flushing Avenue | Bushwick | Brooklyn | New York 11237
btw Morgan and Knickerbocker, off the L train Morgan Stop
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Street Arts