Street Arts

Why is it that you can only get animal shaped chocolates on holidays like Christmas and Easter? I'd rather eat fun shaped chocolates all year long than boring rectangles.
I'll never forget that on my 18th birthday, my brother bought me 18 chocolate easter bunnies to last me for the rest of the year. Of course I ate them all in less than a week but how cute is he?

I bought Moo his own little home today.

Even cats like family portraits ;)
Something Old To Something New
I was walking through the park and noticed that the leaves were already falling from the trees!I thought it would be fun to make something new from the dead leaves so I pulled out my heart punch, and cut out lots of little heart shaped leaves. I sprinkled...
My brother and I are home for the holiday so I was finally able to give him and his lady all the adorable things we bought for them in Japan. eeeeee, cute explosion! ...
Matty and I walked around the city yesterday to see everyone dressed up for Easter!We saw flowers, Butterflies,Feathers, Cake,Rabbits, and a Transformer! Although I'm not quite sure what he has to do with Easter ;)...
Birthday Boy
My family came to the city to celebrate my little brother's 20th birthday.Eating at a silly restaurant is alright, but nothings more fun than jumping around the city!Happy birthday brother!...
For Christmas, my friends and family gave me.. Super comfy pajamas, Silly puppets, A hand stitched tablecloth a friend brought back from Hungary, A personalized family calender, sexy panties from my bf's mother! Lots and lots of chocolates, and...
Street Arts