Street Arts

Two events on tonight 8th March and both out East London way.
First up for the evening is the Alex Noble exhibition and Launch party at the The Old Shoreditch Station on the corner of Kingland Road. The show titled "NOUVEAU GHETTO: TURF WAR" is the newest project and first solo show for artist and designer Alex Noble.

Up next is " Are You Part Of The New Era?' party at The Dragon Bar on Leonard Street. New Era are inviting guests to become part of the New Era and have their portraits taken to be incorporated into the New Era Caps 2007 global advertising campaign. The First 50 guests photographed will receive a free cap from New Era. The night kicks off at 7pm and you must
rsvp to attend. The night will also feature artwork by Cablestreet.
The Dragon Bar, Leonard Street.
Destined To Fester
DESTINED TO FESTER LAUNCH & HALLOWEEN PARTY South London based death metal artist French will be having an exhibition of "Gore" Prints at the Old Shoreditch Station. To tie in with the show Jaguar Shoes will also be releasing a limited edition Zine...
Warhol London Film Night
The Old Shoreditch Station bar/ cafe is hosting a Warhol film night tonight ( Wednesday 28th) from 9pm Film screening, Portraits, Documentation and shorts. Andy Warhol and people around him. The Old Shoreditch Station on the corner of Kingsland Road...
Robots Are Go!!!
A date for your xmas diary. "Robots Are Go" fancy dress party at Dreambags Jaguar Shoes feturing music from Psychodelia and The Ward plus The Stool Pigeon Crew. The party will also feature the premier of the new Robots In Disguise video which has been...
Lmf Three @ Jagbags
If you missed the first two parties, shame on you. This night just keeps getting better. Street Artist/Illustrator/DJ PMH has invited a selection of his freinds to join him at this the third LMF party and play some of their favourite tunes for this new...
Lmf01 At Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes
For those of you out East London way this evening (29th SEPT), make sure you get yourself over to the fine drinking establishment dreambagsjaguarshoes for the launch party for LMF01. Street Artist/Illustrator PMH has invited a selection of his freinds...
Street Arts