Street Arts
PAPERCUTS Exhibition

Opening tonight at Dream Bags and Jaguar Shoes on Kingland Road, a new exhibition entitled PAPRECUTS. A selection of artist and illustrators were challenged by Jaguar shoes to dispose of their scribbling materials and enter the hazardous world of paper cutting. The artists will be creating original pieces of art using only paper as the medium.
Some of the artists involved in the show include: Mr.Pinks, Muju, PMH, JAKE, Jon Burgerman, Paris Hairs and Ron Jonzo
DreamBags, JaguarShoes| 32 - 36 Kingland Road | London E2
Dave The Chimp Interview
Check this short intervew with Dave the Chimp over on the Art Bastard website. Read it here. Other artists interviewed, to name a few include: Jon Burgerman, whose show opened this week at the Coningsby Gallery; C100 artist/ designer and author of The...
Christmas Art & Zine Fair
Jagbags in East London is hosting a Christmas Art and Zine fair this weekend at the bar. The fair will run from midday till 7pm this Saturday 8th . Mulled wine, music and goods available to buy from Andrew James Jones, Cloudsdale, Crystal Vision, The...
Lmf05 At Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes
PMH's LMF05 at Jagbags tomorrow night from 9pm. FEAT DJS CLOUDY,SKULLY,PENNYDROPS,PMH,POWERBASTARD & FALARAKI GANGBANG playing pysch, garage,rock, bmore, electro etc. Dream Bags and Jaguar Shoes | Kingsland Road | London...
MÜdwig Dans @ Jagbags
Jaguar Shoes present a new exhibition of work by illustrator, street artist and all round top bloke MÜDWIG DANS this Thursday 29th. Titled "PAULUS’ TÄBL-UNSELLABLE’ [THE PEDIGREE® CHUM REJECTS]" expect to see some super fresh imagery. See ye there....
Robots Are Go!!!
A date for your xmas diary. "Robots Are Go" fancy dress party at Dreambags Jaguar Shoes feturing music from Psychodelia and The Ward plus The Stool Pigeon Crew. The party will also feature the premier of the new Robots In Disguise video which has been...
Street Arts