Street Arts

Check this short intervew with Dave the Chimp over on the Art Bastard website. Read it here.
Other artists interviewed, to name a few include: Jon Burgerman, whose show opened this week at the Coningsby Gallery; C100 artist/ designer and author of The Art Of Rebellion books and Matthew The Horse who recently had a show at Jaguar Shoes on Kingsland Road last month.
Dave The Chimp & Ekta
The Don Gallery in Milan have uploaded some photographs of the colorful large scale canvases and drawings that Dave The Chimp has made with Ekta for their current show at the Gallery. Here is what Dave The Chimp had to say about his collaboration with...
Dave The Chimp's Lucky Dip
Our friend Dave The Chimp has dropped us an email to let us know that after the success of last year's Lucky Dip, where many people became proud owners of "Human Bein" paintings (check the photo of all the mail he got!) he has decided to repeat this...
Open Studio : Pictures
Photos from Open Studio Exhibition, which opened on Thurday on Kingland Road in East London can be viewed over on the Open Studio flickr and also over on WallKandy's flickr Some of the features artists featured in the exhibtiion include: Eine, Pure...
Robots Are Go!!!
A date for your xmas diary. "Robots Are Go" fancy dress party at Dreambags Jaguar Shoes feturing music from Psychodelia and The Ward plus The Stool Pigeon Crew. The party will also feature the premier of the new Robots In Disguise video which has been...
Halloween - Dave The Chimp
With Halloween only days away, East London resident Dave the Chimp has plans to hold an exhibition this Sunday in the Bethnal Green area. The show titled Monsters Beware is a Halloween themed show with work from PMH, Saru, KMR, rICE T, Muteid, Kabe,...
Street Arts