Street Arts

To tie in with the closing party of this years OPEN STUDIOs on Kingsland Road, street artist Dave The Chimp has organized an Art Lucky Dip. You can exchange some biscuits or bannanas!!!! for a chance to have a dip and see if you pull out an original piece of artwork. The Lucky Dip kicks of at 7pm tonight 20th December. If you haven't seen this show yet or cant make it to the closing party tonight, then head over to the OPEN STUDIO's flickr where you can see a selection of the work on show.
OPEN STUDIO | 19 Kingsland Road | Shoreditch | London
Kev Grey Exhibition
Open Studio : Pictures
Photos from Open Studio Exhibition, which opened on Thurday on Kingland Road in East London can be viewed over on the Open Studio flickr and also over on WallKandy's flickr Some of the features artists featured in the exhibtiion include: Eine, Pure...
Open Studio : For Life, Not Just For Christmas
Pure Evil, Eine and Nelly Duff are the team behind a forthcoming exhibtion opening this week the 6th December. The "OPEN STUDIO : FOR LIFE, NOT JUST FOR CHRISTMAS" exhibition will act as an open studio in the heart of Shoreditch, East London and will...
Lmf Three @ Jagbags
If you missed the first two parties, shame on you. This night just keeps getting better. Street Artist/Illustrator/DJ PMH has invited a selection of his freinds to join him at this the third LMF party and play some of their favourite tunes for this new...
Lmf01 At Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes
For those of you out East London way this evening (29th SEPT), make sure you get yourself over to the fine drinking establishment dreambagsjaguarshoes for the launch party for LMF01. Street Artist/Illustrator PMH has invited a selection of his freinds...
Street Arts