New Banksy no its a T.wat
Street Arts

New Banksy no its a T.wat

Why do the corporate media jump on everything they think is Banksy whilst opting to ignore the work of other non sanctioned artists? Any artist that shows half a brain is being hailed as Banksy. LSD friend and buddie T.wat threw this piece up in the Wick last week whilst graff artist Busk filmed it for Blend TV and LSD Magazine. The Telegraph was the first camp to ask the Banksy question...Others soon followed... T.wat became a full time artist this year choosing to turn his back on a career spanning two decades to concentrate on creating street art seven days a week. He recently moved into a large studio and has been knocking material out like the end of days. He has some major campaigns in the pipeline and LSD will be riding shotgun. T.wat has also promised LSD an in depth interview for a future issue so we really look forward to that.

Nice One T...

- Banksy Found In The Old Country July 2009
Banksy in Africa (Mali?) Photographs recently appeared on the Banksy website showing scenes of an African nature in Africa. Some are saying its Mali but official sources have not yet confirmed. Whispers have been circulating on the art-vine that Banksy...

- Lsd Mail Bag Goodies
Doco Banksy Bribe...I mean Stickers Doco Banksy sent us a wad of Banksy Di Faced Currency and though we promised we'd get them out there we've grown fond of our neat little bundle of tenners. In fact unless he sends us another little wad i doubt...

- Banksy & The Queen's Diamond Jubilee
The web has been abuzz all afternoon with chatter of a new Banksy street art piece in North London. According to locals this piece appeared some time in early hours this morning on the side of Poundland on Whymark Avenue in Turnpike Lane. This piece...

- New Banksy Street Art - 'tox' In Camden
A new piece of Banksy street art appeared on the artists website early this morning and within hours the location of the new stencil street art work had been leaked online. Located in Camden Town, London which is also home to 26-year-old graffiti artist/tagger...

- Banksy Time Out London Cover
We are looking forward to checking out the new Banksy movie "Exit Through the Gift Shop" tomorrow in the pop-up cinema Banksy has built in Leake Street. The movie itself goes on generally release next week, March 5th. To tie in with the release of the...

Street Arts
