Melbourne Street Art 86 – coming destinations
Street Arts

Melbourne Street Art 86 – coming destinations

Following is an outline of what I intend to add to the site progressively over the next couple of months.

Artists names:

I am about to start adding these as captions to individual photographs. In many cases, it means combing various websites and Facebook pages that have this kind of info, so it is going to take quite some time.  It is an important task; the site exists because of the hard work of these artists and they should be credited where their names are known.  

Map of inner Melbourne street art. 

This will be a map of the general locations where I have found and cataloged street art in Inner Melbourne… and probably some where I haven’t yet been, but soon intend to. It will include locations in the following suburbs.

Northcote – High Street

The main suburb map is done, but there are three smaller detailed area maps to do. Also a guide for the area to be completed once all the maps are finished and some more locations to add to the deleted scenes page including the huge sequence along the railway line shown below.

Other locations Pages

Other Locations – Fitzroy
Most of photographs have been added, but work still to do on locations and sequencing. There is a huge amount of street art in this area, so the page will probably be the largest on the site with up to 200 photographs.

Other Locations – Brunswick and Carlton
I have begun mapping Carlton, and North Carlton, but work on Brunswick lie ahead. 

Other locations – North Richmond and Abbotsford
The locations on this page will be reordined, starting from Victoria Station in Abbotsford. 

Other Locations – St Kilda
Very little work done on this other than poking about the area a couple of times when I have been there for other purposes, but this is my next big outing with the camera.

Other locations pages - maps
I will be adding maps to all the other locations pages (similar to those on the main 86 route suburb pages). The Richmond map is already in progress. 


There are a few other things I am thinking about adding to the site, but remain undecided on. One idea is to add a general information section to the links page, which would include an overview of inner Melbourne street art. Suggestions are of course, also welcome. 

- Map Of Central Melbourne Street Art Locations
There is now a map of street art locations in Central Melbourne lanes and alleys available on the CENTRAL MELBOURNE - street art catalog and map page. It is also in the body of this post. The map is an ongoing project, with more locations to be added...

- New Art Works And Central Melbourne - Street Art Catalog And Map Page
Below is a new paste up probably by Shida in Sniders La off Drewery Lane. I have also reorganised the Other locations - City of Melbourne page and renamed it to become a reasonably complete catalog of the street art locations in Central...

- And Now For Something Completely Different...
A bit of a departure from the 86 tram route for a change... There are many fantastic locations along the 86 route, now fairly well documented on the main pages of this site, with the intention that a visitor could spend a day or half day riding the tram...

- The Mother Of All Updates
A massive update today, the largest most probably for some time; as I have mostly finished the site as I had intended, I am moving on to some other projects and probably will only update the site once or twice a week with a post and any changes to locations...

- Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Melbourne Street Art 86 is almost complete in its initial form. All that remains is to add the street art location maps for Clifton Hill, Northcote and Thornbury, with the Clifton Hill most probably being added this evening. During the weekend I spent...

Street Arts
