Little things
Street Arts

Little things

The warm light on the way home to my apartment,
Turning around and finding your cat in a weirder position than the last,
Cotton candy the size of small children,
The way the empire state building wears clouds like they're hats,
People who fall asleep behind trees and look like they're headless,
The way milk mixes with your delicious ice coffee,
Grandmothers with big fun glasses,
And leaving the bright city and remembering how pretty the stars are.

What are the little things that make you smile?

- A Few Things That Make Me Happy
flowers that seem to smile,decorating burritos like I would decorate a cake,shopping cart street art, my new intern, trees with a sense of fashion,forcing embarrassing butterfly tattoos onto my brother's arm,Moo's thinking face when he's...

- Interview
The lovely Jess at interviewed me about some of the most important rules that I live by. Here's a few that I came up with! Be CreativeIt's important for me to express myself creatively every day. I have all of these fun ideas...

- Happiness
Soda machines with a sense of humor,leaving little reminders in public places, the way Moo thinks no one can see him,the determination of finding your favorite ice cream at the bottom of a freezer,little girls in big dresses,big people in little showers,seeing...

- Saturday
This is Moo. He's a lil' adventurer so I built him a boat so he can sail the seas! Next week I plan to fly him to the moon ;)One of my favorite things in the world is paper The walls in my old apartment were covered in paper. My old place was...

- Jeff Soto @ Stolenspace
StolenSpace present a new show from Californian artist and icon of the current pop art scene, Jeff Soto, in this his inaugural UK solo exhibition ‘The Inland Empire’. This show will feature over twenty new paintings on wood panel. The opening will...

Street Arts
