Street Arts
Knit the City - LSD Magazine Interview

Knit the City
Exclusive LSD Interview (Issue Two Out Now)
Yarn-Storming is fast becoming a big hit with newly found knitting clubs
falling over themselves to cover fair cities around the world in brightly colored
Knit the City are based in the UK so we couldn't resist catching up with
the ladies and judging by their nicknames we expected to find some hackers
turned graffiti artists turned knitters but we were wrong...Purple Purler,
Shorn-a the Dead, Knitting Ninja, Lady Loop, Bluestocking Stitch...
Knit the City Website
Downloadable Walking Tours
Invisible Paris walks are a series of self-guided tours to the city that grew from the Invisible Paris blog. Organised according to themes, they take you parts of the city you may not normally explore. Visitors to Paris rarely venture...
Invader Launches Flashinvaders App
Having built his career around the pixellation of 1970s 8-bit video games it was inevitable that the Paris based street artist Invader would release his own game. Using mobile phone technology Invader has created the 'FlashInvaders' app, a reality...
Yarn Bombing: Tea Time In London
Back in July of this year Hookedblog photographed some yarn bombing / knit bombing street art work just off Brick Lane in East London. Two weeks later we ran into the artist on Sclater Street, London working on some new yarn installations. This yarn...
Yarn Bombing — Hot+tea : Part 02
We previously posted on Hookedblog here about some yarn bombing street work that appeared on the streets of East London two weeks ago. The work was that of American artist Hot + Tea who was in town on route to Berlin. Last week saw the artist return...
Serialtype Exhibition
Part 2’s ‘Serialtype’ exhibition launches at This Way Up gallery at the Dragon bar tomorrow showcasing Part 2’s new medium of disposable graffiti that’s been installed on our city’s central reservations and public transport this year. The...
Street Arts