Street Arts
The most wonderful thing happened this morning.
I found the first photos I'd ever taken!

It brought back all these warm memories of discovering my dad's old camera and realizing that this felt right for me =)
For all of you other picture takers out there, when did you first pick up a camera and fall in love? ( I was 17!)
Winter Is Coming!
It may be freezing outside but there's a million reasons to love winter: hot chocolate, pretty christmas lights, excuses to get lots of warm hugs... My favorite thing is that I get to wear fun colorful tights! So let's play a game, what's...
For about 2 hours yesterday I had a dog that I named ChiChi! I found this little guy roaming the streets looking very scared so I brought him home. Moo was so jealous!I took a few pictures of him so that I could make flyers to put up around the neighborhood...
For Christmas, my friends and family gave me.. Super comfy pajamas, Silly puppets, A hand stitched tablecloth a friend brought back from Hungary, A personalized family calender, sexy panties from my bf's mother! Lots and lots of chocolates, and...
Holga Book
For all you Lomo heads out there........ first it was the Supersampler vs Dalek book. Now another book is planned which will include photos taken with a Holga camera. What the hell is a Holga I hear you cry! If you don't know read here to find out...
Dalek Custom Lomo Supersampler
The Lomo website in association with Dalek have put out a call for entries for the The Dalek Custom Supersampler Camera. Chosen lomographers will have their images published in the upcoming Dalek Supersampler book - to be sold alongside his limited edition...
Street Arts