Street Arts

Today I learned that Easter also means fun hat day.
Things That Make Me Oh So Happy
Gigantic Easter bonnets, building a little city for Moo to rule over, my friend Victoria's amazing jello molds ( she just came out with a fun new book! ) a bright hello, folding paper hearts on the subway and leaving them for someone to find,...
When I was a kid, my mom told me that some people like to wear beautiful, big hats for Easter. ...I guess she forgot to mention that some people like to wear almost nothing at all!...
Matty and I walked around the city yesterday to see everyone dressed up for Easter!We saw flowers, Butterflies,Feathers, Cake,Rabbits, and a Transformer! Although I'm not quite sure what he has to do with Easter ;)...
Why is it that you can only get animal shaped chocolates on holidays like Christmas and Easter? I'd rather eat fun shaped chocolates all year long than boring rectangles. I'll never forget that on my 18th birthday, my brother bought me 18 chocolate...
Kid Acne Show Review
The guys over on Graffoto blog have a great review of the recent Kid Acne exhibition 'Smoke And Mirrors' at Stella Dore Gallery on Rivington Street. Read the review over here. The show runs until the 25 April so no excuse not to check it out over...
Street Arts