Street Arts
Althea is having a closing reception! JUNE 11

Join us on Thursday June 11, 6-9pm, as we bid farewell to Althea Baird's show. This will be your last chance to see her work, take away some mural broadsheets, and experience the myriad unique performances that result from her infamous cootie catchers. Don't know what we're talkin about here? Well, come to the reception to find out!
The Facebook event is HERE.
Closing: Indigenous Artists Show "to Our Ancestors"
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Let the festivities continue and join us for a closing ceremony of our indigenous artists show tomorrow. The event will be hosted tomorrow, Saturday, November 28, at the gallery, 4007 Chestnut, starting at 7pm....
Windowwishes Walkabout + Block Party Closing Reception
Join AIR, Lori Waselchuk, and the contributors of 40th Street Windowwishes on Friday, October 30th for TWO SPECIAL EVENTS !!First, from 4:00 to 5:30, a Windowwishes Walkabout. Come and meet the artists/community stewards in front of their creations. They...
Next Resident Show Coming Up: Tenbroeck Cripps
Coming up, the fourth resident show of the year, featuring artist TENBROECK CRIPPS. 40th Street Artist-in-Residence presents "Insects and Angels: the Secret Show" with past and present works by Tenbroeck. Join us for the show's opening reception,...
Resident Outreach Project Updates!!
Just to keep y'all up to date on what our artists have been doing to share their work with the community. Resident Brujo de la Mancha's outreach project works to generate dialogue about INDIGENOUS OF THIS CONTINENT LIVING IN PHILADELPHIA...
French Artists Bom.k Hits The Streets Of London
French artist and DMV crew member Bom.k took to the streets of East London yesterday, beginning work on a new mural located on Pedley Street off Brick Lane. It's been a few years since we have seen work up on the streets of London from this talented...
Street Arts