Resident Outreach Project Updates!!
Street Arts

Resident Outreach Project Updates!!

Just to keep y'all up to date on what our artists have been doing to share their work with the community. 

Resident Brujo de la Mancha's outreach project works to generate dialogue about INDIGENOUS OF THIS CONTINENT LIVING IN PHILADELPHIA while resident Althea Baird has been collaborating with BARE TEETH dance group. Find pictures and further details below.


BRUJO's project discusses indigenous identity in Philadelphia. He wants to include and give a voice to indigenous people, which could include Northern, Central, Caribbean, or South American indigenous people, as well as Africans or non-Africans who mixed with indigenous people and who currently live in Philadelphia. He is currently leading discussions about identity in this city, which will culminate in a collective piece of artwork (possibly a mural or a book). ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN IN THE DISCUSSION.

Upcoming discussions.
Wednesdays April 8, 15, 22 from 6-8 pm at the Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street.
Sundays April 12, 19, 26 from 2-4 pm at By My Side Parenting Program at Atonement Lutheran Church, 1542 East Montgomery Avenue.

Some pictures from the first discussion, last Wednesday at the Rotunda:


ALTHEA has been holding choreography workshops and work-making sessions over the past few months. Pictures of these sessions are displayed below. 


And don't forget to check out our upcoming artist shows at 4007 Chestnut Street. Brujo's show opens April 18th and Althea's show is coming up in May!!

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Street Arts
