Street Arts
10 Things I Love...
Ribbon ceilings,
painting on myself instead of a canvas,
happy humans and animals,
confetti explosions,
heart balloons,

silly skaters,
sleepy kings,

bed belly flops,

sweet moments,
and taking care of sick birds,

until they're all healthy again!
Funny Faces
happy,happy,happy,evil. Oh hairless cat, your cranky little face makes me want to squeeze you until you explode with confetti!...
Something Pretty
This morning I woke up with an urge to make something pretty... so I did! I made a mobile full of butterflies, ladybugs, and birds and put it together with things I found around the house like fishing wire, a CD, ribbon, and a pretty pink button. Isn't...
10 Things That Make Me Happy
Personalizing my MetroCard,showing Matty this picture just before he ate out of that bowl,this band,chicken tape dispensers,doodling on empty boxes,attacking Matty with tea strainers, going to someone's house and hiding their stuffed animals in silly...
The lovely Jess at interviewed me about some of the most important rules that I live by. Here's a few that I came up with! Be CreativeIt's important for me to express myself creatively every day. I have all of these fun ideas...
Art Cards 4 You Pt.1
Since we're on a roll and posted listings of other cool items to own, we thought it best we researched and posted some arty cards for all occasions. Instead of going to big stores buying cards that everyone else has received at some point in their...
Street Arts