10 Things I Love In My Apartment
Street Arts

10 Things I Love In My Apartment

Bird scissors,

silly plates,
fun knick knacks,


lots and lots of fabric,

toothbrush monsters,

Moo's table setting,
silly coffee spoon holders,

colorful shelves,
and this adorable photo booth picture of my mom and dad when they were my age!

- 12 Things I Learned In Japan
1. How to get incredibly lost in the subways2. It's hard to eat a burger the size of your head3. You can take silly pictures in a photo booth and then doodle all over them4. Cops look adorable when they're on bicycles5. Eating at a restaurant...

- Cat Cafe
Did you know that there are Cat Cafes in Japan?It's true aaaaand the best thing ever! You just go inside and order a cup of coffee but instead of sitting at a table with people, you sit and sip your coffee with a bunch of cats jumping all over you!There...

- Gray Days
It's been gray outside all week so a quick burst of color from my apartment is in order! and silly straws are guaranteed to brighten any day ;)...

- Photo Wall
My photo wall is growing!It's full of silly silhouettes, colorful silhouettes,and of course, love!...

- Sunday
For Christmas, my friends and family gave me.. Super comfy pajamas, Silly puppets, A hand stitched tablecloth a friend brought back from Hungary,  A personalized family calender, sexy panties from my bf's mother! Lots and lots of chocolates, and...

Street Arts
