Cat Cafe
Street Arts

Cat Cafe

Did you know that there are Cat Cafes in Japan?
It's true aaaaand the best thing ever!
You just go inside and order a cup of coffee but instead of sitting at a table with people, you sit and sip your coffee with a bunch of cats jumping all over you!
There are cats in trees,

cats passed out on the floor,

cats hanging out on tables,
and lots of cats on the ceiling.

I wish every morning started with a fresh cup of coffee and a bunch of lethargic cats!

- Cats In Hats
If one of these cats were to take over the world, I know who I'm placing my bets on......

- A Few Things That Make Me Smile
Putting on puppet shows with my feet,cats that sit on rooftops and treat the building likes it's their throne,playing with shadows in the trees,completely covering my walls with fun,swimming in the ocean with adorable dogs, my brother's inability...

- Safety Helmet
I think I need to start wearing a helmet inside my apartment,since I spend most of my time trying to dodge bouncing cats....

- We're Home!
From our fun week of exploring through Spain! Matty and I went with our two friends Charlie ( who is the founder of Improv Everywhere ) and Cody. We played in the ocean, Had a big surprise waiting for us at the train station,Saw tons of colorful birds...

- So-me X Kid Cudi
French graphic designer SO-ME directs the new video for Kid Cudi's " Day 'N Night" track, stamping it with his illustration style. As well as the new work for the above video So-ME has finally gotten himself a website together in the form of...

Street Arts
