Toasters Want Your Vote
Street Arts

Toasters Want Your Vote

With the UK's  2010 General Election set to take place on Thursday 6 May it would appear the the Toasters have entered the political arena and launched their own election campaign.

"Changing Your Neighbourhood, Campaigning On Every Street."

More photos after the jump.

- Woodstreet Walls Spacehive Fundraiser
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- Toasters Go Pop In E17
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- The Toasters 'everywhere' Film
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- Toasters And Friends
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- The Toasters Collaboration Exhibition
Toaster : Shoreditch, by invisiblemadevisibleOne for the diaries next month. On Thursday 28th May, The Toasters and fifteen of their fellow trespassers, some of Europe’s most influential artists from the world of street art, will come together in East...

Street Arts
