Street Arts
For a while now I've been wondering,
who in my apartment hasn't been flushing the toilet?

I swear I didn't teach him. He somehow taught himself to use the toilet. Hopefully he'll be a gentleman and teach himself to flush!
New Business Cards!
I just printed a bunch of fun new business cards.They're so little and cute I almost don't want to give them away! I found them from a site called I swear I didn't get them just because they have the same name as my cat... ;)...
12 Things I Learned In Japan
1. How to get incredibly lost in the subways2. It's hard to eat a burger the size of your head3. You can take silly pictures in a photo booth and then doodle all over them4. Cops look adorable when they're on bicycles5. Eating at a restaurant...
London Black Book — Launch Party
A date for your diaries, Thursday 11 November will see the UK launch of London Blackbook 1985—2010. The book is set to features 192 pages of pure London funk, dedicated to sketches, outlines and characters from 200 of London's most diverse and prolific...
Graffiti Lessons With Andy Seize In London
Calling all you wanna be graffiti artists out there. Ever wanted to learn how to paint? Well now you can with a little help from graffiti artist Andy Seize. Andy plans to hold a number of classes, working in small groups with either adults or children...
" opera del caso numero 2 " sun and toilet paper on table ...
Street Arts