Street Arts
Things that make me happy

The glowing sky after fireworks,

Mailing my dad embarrasing letters,
Jumping into a brand new, not yet peed in pool,

Playing along with performers in Times Square,

Fun nails,
Revealing secrets,

Riding around the city on bike pegs,

Collecting cute paint chip names such as Sweet Pea, Freckles, Soft Chinchilla, Bunny Nose Pink, and Baby Dreams...

Red hair and pretty tattoos,

Using model toilets in Home Depot instead of the real ones,
And getting Moo a haircut and finding out that the beginning of his tail is shaped like a heart!
Something Old To Something New
I was walking through the park and noticed that the leaves were already falling from the trees!I thought it would be fun to make something new from the dead leaves so I pulled out my heart punch, and cut out lots of little heart shaped leaves. I sprinkled...
Things That Make Me Happy
Moo helping me decorate,hopping on a stranger's bike and going for a ride,rainbows in my backyard,cute houses on cute little islands,trying to pet a rooster and failing miserably, extreme upper body strength, happy little organ stickers, realizing...
Things That Make Me Smile...
Hanging out with my fellow monsters,Moo's new favorite bed,playing with my pancakes,hay rides,fun nails, adding something sweet to make my tea happy,friendly frogs,surprise kisses, secret identities, adorable wedding programs,and really, really bad...
I've been asked a whole bunch about what kind of paper I use and how I put it up on my walls so I thought I'd let you all know! My favorite paper to play with is Canson Colorline poster board. They have bright colors and cute names like Canary,...
Last year I cut my hair off. It was kind of a big deal for me because I was so attached to my long hair! The thought of even cutting off an inch would make me tear up. Then one day I woke up and realized ... Isn't that silly?So I went over to a hair...
Street Arts